Wednesday, April 9, 2008


My girls have way too many stuffed animals, baby dolls, teddy bears, etc..... Where do I put them?? Any ideas??? I need help!!!!


Josh said...

I'll tell you where to put'em! ha I can't believe you set yourself up like that!

BAM & CJ said...

nice one josh! only you would have responded that way!! =)

Marty and Emily said...

You could get one of those nets that hangs from the ceiling. We've been planning to do that as soon as we get up the motivation. :)

Lindsay said...

Hey Christa! I'm finally checking out your blog. It's fun to see what your family has been up to. In response to your problem, Steve and I love to get rid of toys or any excess for that matter. They do have some stuffed animals and I use the cute little pop-up hampers/storage container from Ikea. We need to get together some time!

Elise and Dan said...

Hi Christa,
We have a net for the animals in our house. But first I told Abree that there are some kids that don't get to have stuffed animals like her, and that we should give them away. I had her pick all the ones that she wanted to share or that she no longer liked/ played with. She was totally happy to do it! I was surprised because she loves stuffed animals! I was just so tired of them all over the place! I hope you guys are doing great! take care!