Wednesday, December 16, 2009


The other day while I was cleaning the kitchen, McKenzie yelled downstairs to me and told me that her foot was caught in the railing. Brandon was just walking in the door and heard McKenzie say "my foot is caught". Anyway, I knew McKenzie was okay because she wasn't crying and I yelled back that papa will be right there to help her. Brandon then yelled up and said, "Where are you McKenzie?" McKenzie then replied, "I'm right by my foot!" We burst into laughter! It was too funny!


amberdp21 said...

Ha ha ha! Oh that Mckenzie! :) She's such a hoot.
We should come play games soon!! I'll ask Jordan what day fits our schedule!
What days are better for yall?

Jana said...

LOL! Duh, Brandon, just find her foot and you'll find the rest of her...

Yolanda said...

SUCH a kid thing to say, what would we do without them?