Monday, March 31, 2008

Mating Ground?!?!?

Okay, so I've noticed that mosquito hawks are everywhere!!! I think they're gross looking, but I've found it grosser to look at them mating! Last Thursday, Brandon, Anjane', Jordan, Amber, and I had the opportunity to witness such a sight right on our screen door. They were there for a couple of hours at least!!! Then, last night, I thought we had a different kind of insect on our screen window, but when I looked a little closer, they were two mosquito hawks going at it AGAIN!!


Jordan + Amber + Camryn + Brighton said...

I think your house IS the new mating grounds.
It's not like they mate for a second either. Their butts are GLUED together for a series of, sometimes, hours!

Get ready for some humpback time! hahaha

Ashley said...

Ok, what is so funny about this whole situation is that you took a picture of it and posted it on your blog! That is hilarious in itself! Sounds like a fun night to me to watch bugs mate! Ha! :) Did you get any pointers? Hee hee!